Research Fellow
My PhD was focussed on understanding the use of quantitative MRI for the study of
de- and remyelination in multiple sclerosis (MS). Now, I am interested in expanding
my scope of quantitative MRI techniques, use 7T for in-depth study of MS pathology,
and develop new tools in order to optimise the use of MRI for studying the brain.
PhD in Physics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Diplom in Physics, Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany
2024 - Present
Research Fellow at DRCMR
2020 - 2023
Postdoc at DRCMR
2013 - 2020
PhD Student at University of British Columbia
2012 - 2013
Research Assistant at University of British Columbia
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Wiggermann V., MacKay A.L., Rauscher A., Helms G. In vivo investigation of the multi-exponential T2 decay in human white matter at 7T: Implications for myelin water imaging at UHF. NMR BioMed, e4429, 10/2020, DOI:10.1002/nbm.4429.
Dvorak A., Wiggermann V., Gilbert G., Vavasour I.M., MacMillan E.L., Barlow L., Kozlowski P.,MacKay A.L., Rauscher A., Kolind S.H. Multi spin Echo T2 Relaxation Imaging with CompressedSensing (METRICS) for fast, reproducible myelin water imaging. Magn Reson Med 84(3), 09/2020,DOI: 10.1002/mrm.28199, 1 citation.
Wiggermann V., Vavasour I.M., Kolind S.H., MacKay A.L., Helms G., Rauscher A. Non-negativeleast squares computation for in vivo myelin mapping using simulated multi-echo spin-echo T2 decaydata. NMR BioMed, e4277, 03/2020, DOI: 10.1002/nbm.4277, 1 citation.
Abel S., Vavasour I.M., Lee L.E., Johnson P., Ackermans N., Chan J., Dvorak A., Schabas A.,Wiggermann V., Tam R., Kuan A., Morrow S., Wilken J., Laule C., Rauscher A., Bhan V.,Sayao A.-L., Devonshire V., Li D., Carruthers R., Traboulsee A., Kolind S.H. Myelin damage innormal appearing white matter contributes to cognitive performance in MS. J Neuroimaging 30(2),04/2020, DOI: 10.1111/jon.12679, 1 citation.
Esculier J.-F., Jarrett M., Krowchuk N.M., Rauscher A., Wiggermann V., Taunton J.E., Wilson D., Gatti A., Hunt M. Cartilage recovery in runners with and without knee osteoarthritis: A pilotstudy. The Knee 26(5), 10/2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.knee.2019.07.011.
Le M., Hernández-Torres E., Jarrett M., Brosch T., Li D.K.B., Traboulsee A., Tam R.C., RauscherA., Wiggermann V. FLAIR2 improves LesionTOADS automatic segmentation of multiple sclerosislesions using multi-centre 2D, non-homogenized clinical magnetic resonance images. NeuroImageClinical, 23, 07/2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.nicl.2019.101918.
Kor D., Birkl C., Ropele S., Doucette J., Xu T., Wiggermann V., Hernández-Torres E., HametnerS., Rauscher A. The role of iron and myelin in orientation dependent R2* of white matter. NMRin BioMed, e4092, 04/2019, DOI: 10.1002/nbm.4092, 5 citations.
Wiggermann V.†, Lapointe E.†, Litvin L., Graf C., Hernández-Torres E.,McKenzie M., Vavasour I.M., Laule C., MacMillan E.L., Li D.K.B., Kolind S.H., Rauscher A.,Traboulsee A. Longitudinal advanced MRI case report of white matter radiation necrosis. Annalsof Clinical and Translational Neurology, 6(2), 02/2019, DOI: 10.1002/acn3.704, 2 citations.
Hernández-Torres E..†, Wiggermann V.†, Machan L., Sadovnick A.D., Li D.K.B., Traboulsee A.,Hametner S., Rauscher A. Increased mean R∗2 in the deep gray matter of MS patients - have we beenmeasuring atrophy? J Magn Reson Imaging, 50(1), 07/2019, DOI: 10.1002/jmri.26561, 6 citations.
Kames C., Wiggermann V., Rauscher A. Rapid two-step dipole inversion for susceptibility mappingwith sparsity priors. NeuroImage, 167, 02/2018,DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.11.018, 8 citations
Wiggermann V.†, Hametner S.†, Hernández-Torres E., Kames C., Endmayr V., Kasprian G.,Höftberger R., Li D.K.B., Traboulsee A., Rauscher A. Susceptibility-sensitive MRI of multiplesclerosis lesions and the impact of normal appearing white matter changes. NMR in BioMed, 30(8),08/2017, DOI: 10.1002/nbm.3727– Cover Image DOI: 10.1002/nbm.3645, 17 citations.
Yuen J., Hung J., Wiggermann V., Robinson S.D., McCormack R., D’Entremont A.G., RauscherA. Multi-echo GRE imaging of knee cartilage. J Magn Reson Imaging, 45(5), 05/2017, DOI:110.1002/jmri.25438, 3 citations.
Hernández-Torres E.†, Kassner N.†, Folkert N.D., Wei L., Wiggermann V., Daemen M., MachanL., Traboulsee A., Li D.K.B., Rauscher A. Anisotropic cerebral vascular architecture causes orientationdependency in cerebral blood flow and volume measured with dynamic susceptibility contrast magneticresonance imaging. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab, 37(3), 03/2017, DOI: 10.1177/0271678X16653134,15 citations.
Hernández-Torres E.†, Wiggermann V.†, Hametner S., Baumeister T.R., Sadovnick A.D., ZhaoY., Machan L., Li D.K.B., Traboulsee A., Rauscher A. Orientation dependent magnetic resonancesignal decay differentiates between people with MS, their asymptomatic siblings and unrelated healthycontrols. PLOS One, 10(10):e0140956, 10/2015, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0140956, 18 citations.
Wiggermann V., Hernández-Torres E., Traboulsee A., Li D.K.B., Rauscher A. FLAIR2: A combinationof FLAIR and T2 for improved MS lesion detection. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol, 37(2),02/2016, DOI: 10.3174/ajnr.A4514 , 21 citations.
Rovira Á., Wiggermann V., Rauscher A. Trajectories of subcortical iron accumulation in MS.Neurology, 84, 06/2015, DOI: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000001691, Invited Editorial, 2 citation.
Wiggermann V., Hernández-Torres E., Vavasour I.M., Moore G.R.W., Laule C., MacKay A.L.,Li D.K.B., Traboulsee A., Rauscher A. Magnetic resonance frequency shifts during acute MS lesionformation. Neurology, 81, 06/2013,DOI: 10.1212/WNL.0b013e31829bfd63, 56 citations† - equally contributing first authors.
Conference Publications
Wiggermann V., Hernández-Torres E., Kames C., daSilviera L., Dhanoa T., Rauscher A., YathamL.N. Reduced QSM values in the caudate and amygdala of first episode mania patients, ISMRMannual virtual meeting, 07/2020, Digital Poster Presentation.
Wiggermann V., Abel S., Vavasour I.M., Hernández-Torres E., Kames C., Li D.K.B., Tam R.,Kolind S.H., Traboulsee A., Rauscher A. QSM and R2* capture physical and cognitive impairmentin multiple sclerosis, ISMRM annual virtual meeting, 07/2020, Digital Poster Presentation.
Wiggermann V., Gilbert G., Hernández-Torres E., Kames C., MacMillan E.L., Rauscher A. R∗2and quantitative susceptibility mapping at high spatial resolution by dynamic TE-shifted acquisitions.5th Workshop on MRI Phase Contrast and Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping, Seoul, South Korea,09/2019, Poster Presentation.
Wiggermann V., Endmayr V., Hernández-Torres E., Höftberger R., Kasprian G., Hametner S.,Rauscher A. Myelin water imaging detects late remyelination in chronic MS lesions: A post-mortemvalidation study. ECTRIMS, Stockholm, Sweden, 09/2019, Poster Presentation.
Lee H., Wiggermann V., Rauscher A., Kames C., Beg M.F., Jacova C., Sossi V., Benavente2O., Pettersen J., Hsuing G.-Y.R. Correlation of quantitative susceptibility mapping and cognitivedysfunction in mixed Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia. AAIC & AIC (Alzheimer’s AssociationInternational Conference & Alzheimer’s Imaging Consortium), Los Angeles, USA, 07/2019, Poster Presentation.
Wiggermann V., Vavasour I.M., Hernández-Torres E., Helms G., MacKay A., Rauscher A. Nonnegativeleast squares fitting of multi-exponential T2 decay data: Are we able to accurately measurethe fraction of myelin water? ISMRM annual meeting, Montreal, Canada, 05/2019, Digital Poster Presentation.
Wiggermann V., Endmayr V., Hernández-Torres E., Höftberger R., Kasprian G., Rauscher A.,Hametner S. Sensitivity of in vivo myelin imaging techniques to detect subtle changes in myelinlipid and protein content in post-mortem multiple sclerosis brain tissues. ISMRM annual meeting,Montreal, Canada, 05/2019, Digital Poster Presentation.
Wiggermann V., Hernández-Torres E., Vavasour I.M., Laule C., Li D.K.B., Traboulsee A.,MacKay A., Rauscher A. Contrasting frequency shifts and QSM values in a longitudinal analysisof MS lesions to determine the nature of signal changes. ISMRM annual meeting, Montreal,Canada, 05/2019, Power Pitch Presentation - 2nd price poster competition.
Johnson P., Chan J., Vavasour I., Abel S., Lee L.E., Yong H., Wiggermann V., Laule C.,Woolfenden A., Traboulsee A., Li D., Tam R., Kolind S., Carruthers R. Regional myelin-specificMRI abnormalities in Susac Syndrome suggests demyelination is a pathologic feature. AAN,Philadelphia, USA, 05/2019, Poster Presentation.
Esculier J.-F., Jarrett M., Krowchuk N.M., Rauscher A., Wiggermann V., Taunton J.E., WilsonD., Gatti A., Hunt M.A. Effects of running on knee cartilage in female runners with and without osteoarthritis:A pilot study. OARSI (World Congress on Osteoarthritis), Toronto, Canada, 05/2019,Poster Presentation.
Stewart C., Wiggermann V., Hsiung R., Metz L.M., Li D.K.B., Traboulsee A., Rauscher A.Susceptibility-sensitive MRI to distinguish MS-related white matter FLAIR-lesions from hyperintensitiesdue to CIS, dementia and concussion. CAR (Canadian Association of Radiologists),Montreal, Canada, 04/2019, Oral Presentation - 2nd price in category:Radiologist-in-Training.
Johnson P., Chan J., Vavasour I., Abel S., Lee L.E., Yong H., Wiggermann V., Laule C.,Woolfenden A., Traboulsee A., Li D., Tam R., Kolind S., Carruthers R. Regional myelin-specificMRI abnormalities in Susac Syndrome suggests demyelination is a pathologic feature. ACTRIMS,Dallas, USA, 02/2019, Poster Presentation.
Wiggermann V., Hernández-Torres E., Kames C., Rauscher A. Multiple dynamics gradient-echoEPI acquisitions for quantitative susceptibility mapping. ISMRM annual meeting, Paris, France,06/2018, Poster Presentation - 3rd price poster competition.
Wiggermann V., MacKay A.L., Helms G., Rauscher A. In vivo high-field myelin water imaging:Investigating the T2 distribution at 7T. ISMRM annual meeting, Paris, France, 06/2018, E-Poster Presentation.
Birkl C., Wiggermann V., Endmayr V., Hernández-Torres E., Kasprian G., Höftberger R., RopeleS., Hametner S., Rauscher A. Pathological differentiation of multiple sclerosis lesions based on R∗2at 3T: The influence of iron and myelin. ISMRM annual meeting, Paris, France, 06/2018, Poster Presentation.
Wiggermann V., Kames C., Hsiung R., Metz L.M., Li D.K.B., Traboulsee A., Rauscher A.Stratifying FLAIR-hyperintese white matter lesions in a pilot study of MS, CIS, dementia andconcussion using magnetic susceptibility mapping. ECTRIMS-ACTRIMS, Paris, France, 10/2017,E-Poster Presentation.
Hernández-Torres E., Wiggermann V., Li D.K.B., Machan L., Sadovnick D., Traboulsee A.,Hametner S., Rauscher A. Reduced iron levels in the DGM of MS patients compared to healthycontrols. ECTRIMS-ACTRIMS, Paris, France, 10/2017, Poster Presentation.
Hernández-Torres E., Wiggermann V., Li D.K.B., Machan L., Sadovnick D., Traboulsee A.,Hametner S., Rauscher A. Iron loss occurs in the deep gray matter of multiple sclerosis patients.Human Brain Mapping, Vancouver, Canada, 06/2016, Poster Presentation.
Wiggermann V., Hernández-Torres E., Kames C., Rauscher A. Deriving quantitative susceptibilitymaps from dynamic multi-shot echo-planar imaging. Human Brain Mapping, Vancouver, Canada,06/2016, Oral & Poster Presentation - HBM merit award.
Hernández-Torres E., Wiggermann V., Li D.K.B., Machan L., Sadovnick A.D., Traboulsee A.,Hametner S., Rauscher A. Iron loss occurs in the deep gray matter of multiple sclerosis patients.ISMRM annual meeting, Honolulu, USA, 05/2017, Oral Presentation.
• Lapointe E., Litvin L., Kolind S., Vavasour I., Wiggermann V., Li D., Traboulsee A. Assessment ofradiation-induced white matter changes using myelin water imaging. AAN, Boston, USA, 04/2017,Poster Presentation; [Neurology 88 (16 Supplement) P1.156, 2017].
Wiggermann V., Kames C., Rauscher A. Exploring mechanisms of new demyelinating lesionsusing advanced, susceptibility-sensitive MRI. 3rd endMS Conference, Toronto, Canada, 12/2016,Poster Presentation.
Wiggermann V., Kames C., Rauscher A. How quantitative can Quantitative Susceptibility Mappingbe? 4th Workshop on MRI Phase Contrast and Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping, Graz,Austria, 09/2016, Poster Presentation.
Kames C., Wiggermann V., Rauscher A. Dipole inversion under Gaussian noise. 4th Workshopon MRI Phase Contrast and Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping, Graz, Austria, 09/2016, Poster Presentation.
Kames C., Wiggermann V., Rauscher A. Rapid two-step inversion: Compressed Sensing revisited.4th Workshop on MRI Phase Contrast and Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping, Graz, Austria,09/2016, Poster Presentation.
Wiggermann V., Hametner S., Hernández-Torres E., Endmayr V., Kames C., Rauscher A. MRIin Multiple Sclerosis: The curiosity of apparent susceptibility increases at simulatenous iron loss.ISMRM annual meeting, Singapore, Republic of Singapore, 05/2016, Oral Presentation.
Wiggermann V., Ibs I., Schörner S.M., Hernández-Torres E., Vorobeychik G., Metz L., Li D.K.B.,Traboulsee A., Rauscher A. The use of quantitative susceptiblity imaging for the evaluation of acuteMS lesion formation. ISMRM annual meeting, Singapore, Republic of Singapore, 05/2016, Poster Presentation.
Kames C., Wiggermann V., Rauscher A. Rapid Two-Step QSM without a priori information.ISMRM annual meeting, Singapore, Republic of Singapore, 05/2016, Oral Presentation - magnacum laude award.
Wiggermann V., Hernández-Torres E., Traboulsee A., Li D.K.B., Rauscher A. Combining highresolutionFLAIR and T2 to improve multiple sclerosis lesion conspicuity. AAN, Vancouver,Canada, 04/2016, Poster Presentation; [Neurology 86 (16 Supplement) P4.155, 2016].
Wiggermann V., Ibs I., Schörner S.M., Hernández-Torres E., Metz L., Vorobeychik G., Li D.K.B.,Traboulsee A., Rauscher A. Exploring mechanisms of multiple sclerosis lesion evolution using advancedMRI. AAN, Vancouver, Canada, 04/2016, Dual Poster Presentation; [Neurology 86 (16Supplement) I10.012, 2016].
Rauscher A., Wiggermann V., Hernández-Torres E., Li D.K.B., Traboulsee A. FLAIR2 for improvedMS lesion detection. RSNA, Chicago, US, 12/2015, Oral Presentation.
Wiggermann V., Ibs I., Schörner S.M., Hernández-Torres E., Metz L., Vorobeychik G., Li D.K.B.,Traboulsee A., Rauscher A. MR frequency shifts in new MS lesions of CIS patients over 2 years.ECTRIMS, Barcelona, Spain, 10/2015, Poster Presentation; [MSJ 21, 186-187, 2015].
Wiggermann V., Hernández-Torres E., Traboulsee A., Li D.K.B., Rauscher A. Improved contrastto-noise levels for MS lesion detection on CSF-suppressed heavily T2-weighted imaging. ISMRMannual meeting, Toronto, Canada, 05/2015, Poster Presentation.
Wiggermann V., Ibs I., Schörner S.M., Hernández-Torres E., Metz L., Vorobeychik G., Li D.K.B.,Traboulsee A., Rauscher A. Longitudinal MR frequency shift imaging in patients with clinicallyisolated syndrome. ISMRM annual meeting, Toronto, Canada, 05/2015, Poster Presentation.
Yuen J., Hung J., Wiggermann V., McCormack R., d’Entremont A.G., Rauscher A. Multi-EchoSWI of knee cartilage. ISMRM annual meeting, Toronto, Canada, 05/2015, Poster Presentation.
Chen E.I.-W., Liu J.,Wiggermann V., Yung A., Rauscher A., Kozlowski P. Comparison betweenDTI, MWF, and frequency shift mapping in assessing white matter damage of spinal cord. ISMRMannual meeting, Toronto, Canada, 05/2015, Poster Presentation.
Kolind S., Wiggermann V., Tan S.Y.Y., Hernández-Torres E., Li D.K.B., MacKay A.L., VavasourI.M., Seneca N., Leppert D., Traboulsee A., Rauscher A. MR frequency differentiates MS lesionseverity. AAN, Washington, US, 04/2015, Poster Presentation; [Neurology 84 (14 Supplement)P6.114, 2015].
Wiggermann V., Hernández-Torres E., Vavasour I.M., Laule C., MacKay A.L., Li D.K.B., TraboulseeA., Rauscher A. MR frequency shift imaging as a sensitive measure of longitudinal changesin multiple sclerosis lesions. ECTRIMS/ACTRIMS, Boston, US, 09/2014, Poster Presentation;[MSJ 20, 288-289, 2014].
Wiggermann V., Lee L.E., Hernández-Torres E., Li D.K.B., MacKay A.L., Vavasour I.M., LauleC., Traboulsee A., Rauscher A. MR frequency shift imaging demonstrates that iron accumulationis rare in multiple sclerosis lesions. ECTRIMS/ACTRIMS, Boston, US, 09/2014, Poster Presentation;[MSJ 20, 298-298, 2014].
Wiggermann V., Tan S.Y.Y., Hernández-Torres E., Li D.K.B., MacKay A.L., Vavasour I.M.,Seneca N., Leppert D., Kolind S., Traboulsee A., Rauscher A. MR frequency shift imaging of MS lesionsand comparison to myelin water and magnetization transfer imaging. ECTRIMS/ACTRIMS,Boston, US, 09/2014, Poster Presentation; [MSJ 20, 297-298, 2014].
Hernández-Torres E.†, Wiggermann V.†, Baumeister T.R., Zhao Y., Sadovnick A.D., Machan L.,Li D.K.B., Traboulsee A., Rauscher A. Angle resolved R2* is sensitive to tissue changes: study in5MS patients and controls. ECTRIMS/ACTRIMS, Boston, US, 09/2014, Poster Presentation, †equally contributing authors; [MSJ 20, 311-311, 2014].
Chen E.I.-W., Wiggermann V., Hernández-Torres E., Liu J., Tetzlaff W., Kozlowski P., RauscherA. Quantitative 3D evaluation of white matter degeneration in rat spinal cord following DorsalColumn transection using frequency shift mapping. ISMRM annual meeting, Milan, Italy, 05/2014,Poster Presentation.
Wiggermann V., Tan S.Y.Y., Hernández-Torres E., Li D.K.B., MacKay A.L., Vavasour I.M.,Seneca N., Leppert D., Kolind S., Traboulsee A., Rauscher A.Using MR frequency shifts to differentiateMS lesion pathologies. ISMRM annual meeting, Milan, Italy, 05/2014, Oral/Poster Presentation.
Wiggermann V., Lee L.E., Hernández-Torres E., Li D.K.B., MacKay A.L., Vavasour I.M., LauleC., Traboulsee A., Rauscher A. Iron accumulation is a rare feature in multiple sclerosis lesions.ISMRM annual meeting, Milan, Italy, 05/2014, Oral Presentation - magna cum laude award.
Wiggermann V., Hernández-Torres E., Vavasour I.M., Laule C., MacKay A.L., Li D.K.B., TraboulseeA., Rauscher A. Monitoring multiple sclerosis lesions over a period of five years using MRfrequency shift imaging. ISMRM annual meeting, Milan, Italy, 05/2014,Oral Presentation - magna cum laude award - 2nd price poster competition.
Wiggermann V., Hernández-Torres E., de Silviera L., Yatham L., Rauscher A. Brain accumulationin first episode of mania. ISMRM annual meeting, Milan, Italy, 05/2014, Oral Presentation.
Wiggermann V., Hernández-Torres E., Vavasour I.M., Moore G.R.W., Laule C., MacKay A.L.,Li D.K.B., Traboulsee A., Rauscher A. MR frequency shift imaging in Multiple Sclerosis: Theevolution of Gd-enhancing lesions. ISMRM workshop: Multiple Sclerosis as a whole brain disease,London, UK, 06/2013, Oral Presentation.
Wiggermann V., Hernández-Torres E., Zhao Y., Sadovnick A.D., Li D.K.B., Traboulsee A.,Rauscher A. R2∗ relaxation rates of white matter are reduced in patients with MS compared to healthysiblings and controls. ISMRM workshop: Multiple Sclerosis as a whole brain disease, London, UK06/2013, Poster Presentation.
Hernández-Torres E., Wiggermann V., Li D.K.B., Machan L., Sadovnick D., Knox K., TraboulseeA., Rauscher A. Deep gray matter R2∗ in patients with multiple sclerosis their healthy siblingsand unrelated healthy controls. ISMRM annual meeting, Salt Lake City, US, 04/2013, Poster Presentation.
Chen I.-W.E., Liu J., Tetzlaff W., Wiggermann V., Hernández-Torres E., Kozlowski P., RauscherA. Quantitative Assessment of the white matter damage following Dorsal Column Transection in ratspinal cord using frequency shift mapping. ISMRM annual meeting, Salt Lake City, US, 04/2013,Oral Presentation - summa cum laude award.
Rauscher A., Wiggermann V., Hernández-Torres E., Vavasour I.M., Moore G.R.W., Laule C.,MacKay A.L., Li D.K.B., Traboulsee A. Magnetic resonance phase predicts acute multiple sclerosislesions. ECTRIMS, Lyon, France, 10/2012, Oral Presentation; [MSJ 18, 31-31, 2012].
Wiggermann V., Hernández-Torres E., Vavasour I.M., Moore G.R.W., Laule C., MacKay A.L.,Li D.K.B., Traboulsee A., Rauscher A. Evolution of MS lesions in MR phase imaging. CAN - ANCannual meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 05/2012, Poster Presentation.