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Reader Centre

The DRCMR Reader Centre handles and processes large amounts of MRI data with effective data management and analysis methods in multiple cohort studies and clinical trials.

Research Activities

Effective data management

Large cohort studies, clinical trials and biomedical research demand effective data management and ever more specific and robust MRI techniques. The DRCMR Reader Centre takes pride in supporting such studies from idea to quality-assured results. This includes study planning, study coordination, MRI scan logistics, big data handling, ROI and lesion delineation, manual and automated data analysis, stakeholder communication and much more. All of these tasks are undertaken with a strong focus on continuous quality assurance while maintaining flexibility in regards to the needs of the individual study. 

Lesion delineation and assessment is one of the focus areas of the centre. In addition to years of experience with analysis of lesions related to multiple sclerosis, the centre benefits from expertise with determining pathophysiological changes in the brain associated with small vessel disease such as white Matter Hyperintensities (WMH). Drawing on the combined skills of the group and researchers at DRCMR, the Reader Centre has further refined its sensitive and reproducible algorithms to render the evaluation of lesions and lesion size more automatic and less dependent upon subjective assessment. The image analysis technology developed by the DRCMR research groups is continuously integrated into a workflow system for rapid configuration to accommodate specific requirements. Thus, the Reader Centre offers analysis of advanced MR measures such as diffusion tensor imaging, magnetization transfer imaging (MTR), iron deposition quantification, resting-state fMRI as well as structural MRI measures, such as brain segmentation, atrophy, lesion quantification and cortical thickness. Although most studies in the Reader Centre focus on the brain, MR images of other organs are also analysed in some studies, e.g. the spinal cord and leg muscles.

Optimizing data handling processes

Quality assurance is inherent in the Reader Centre workflow and is a focus area, which is continuously refined. The quality assessment is conducted throughout the data handling processes from the images are generated at the scanner, including image quality assessment, evaluation of software outcome measures, statistical evaluation and inter-rater validation. 

How can the Reader Centre help in your study?

The DRCMR Reader Centre can also assist in your study. Whether you need help with study planning, coordination, logistics, data handling, quality assurance, data analysis or any other aspects of your study, the Reader Centre can be an active partner in your study. We can both offer a standard solution for your study or find flexible solutions that match your exact needs. For more information, please contact Karam Sidaros.

Selected Publications

Madsen MAJ, Wiggermann V, Bramow S, Christensen JR, Sellebjerg F, Siebner HR. 2021. Imaging cortical multiple sclerosis lesions with ultra-high field MRI. NeuroImage. Clinical. 32:1-14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nicl.2021.102847

Højsgaard Chow H, Talbot J, Lundell H, Gøbel Madsen C, Marstrand L, Lange T, Mahler MR, Buhelt S, Holm Hansen R, Blinkenberg M, Romme Christensen J, Soelberg Sørensen P, Rode von Essen M, Siebner HR, Sellebjerg F. 2021. Dimethyl Fumarate Treatment in Patients With Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis: A Randomized, Controlled Trial. Neurology: Neuroimmunology and NeuroInflammation. 8(5):1-11. https://doi.org/10.1212/NXI.0000000000001037

Demnitz N, Madsen KS, Johnsen LK, Kjaer M, Boraxbekk C-J, Siebner HR. 2021. Right-left asymmetry in corticospinal tract microstructure and dexterity are uncoupled in late adulthood. NeuroImage. 240:1-9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118405

Chow HH, Talbot J, Marstrand L, Lundell H, Roman Siebner H, Bach Søndergaard H, Sellebjerg F. 2021. Smoking, cardiovascular risk factors and LRP2 gene variation: Associations with disease severity, cognitive function and brain structure in primary progressive multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders. 56:1-7. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msard.2021.103296

Hougaard A, Nielsen SH, Gaist D, Puonti O, Garde E, Reislev NL, Iversen P, Madsen CG, Blaabjerg M, Nielsen HH, Krøigård T, Østergaard K, Kyvik KO, Madsen KH, Siebner HR, Ashina M. 2020. Migraine with aura in women is not associated with structural thalamic abnormalities. NeuroImage. Clinical. 28: Article 102361. Available from: 10.1016/j.nicl.2020.102361

Gylling AT, Bloch-Ibenfeldt M, Eriksen CS, Ziegler AK, Wimmelmann CL, Baekgaard M, Boraxbekk C-J, Siebner HR, Mortensen EL, Kjaer M. 2020. Maintenance of muscle strength following a one-year resistance training program in older adults. Experimental Gerontology. 139:1-10. Available from: 10.1016/j.exger.2020.111049

Gylling AT, Eriksen CS, Garde E, Wimmelmann CL, Reislev NL, Bieler T, Ziegler AK, Andersen KW, Bauer C, Dideriksen K, Baekgaard M, Mertz KH, Bayer ML, Bloch-Ibenfeldt M, Boraxbekk C-J, Siebner HR, Mortensen EL, Kjaer M. 2020. The influence of prolonged strength training upon muscle and fat in healthy and chronically diseased older adults. Experimental Gerontology. 136:1-10. Available from: 10.1016/j.exger.2020.110939

Andersen KW, Lasič S, Lundell H, Nilsson M, Topgaard D, Sellebjerg F, Szczepankiewicz F, Siebner HR, Blinkenberg M, Dyrby TB. 2020. Disentangling white-matter damage from physiological fibre orientation dispersion in multiple sclerosis. Brain communications. 2(2):1-14. Available from: 10.1093/braincomms/fcaa077

Andreasen AK, Iversen P, Marstrand L, Siersma V, Siebner HR, Sellebjerg F. 2019. Structural and cognitive correlates of fatigue in progressive multiple sclerosis. Neurological Research. 41(2):168-176. Available from: 10.1080/01616412.2018.1547813

Schreiber K, Magyari M, Sellebjerg F, Iversen P, Garde E, Madsen CG, Börnsen L, Romme Christensen J, Ratzer R, Siebner HR, Laursen B, Soelberg Sorensen P. High-dose erythropoietin in patients with progressive multiple sclerosis: A randomized, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial. Mult Scler. 2016 Aug 1

Sørensen PS, Sellebjerg F, Lycke J, Färkkilä M, Créange A, Lund CG, Schluep M, Frederiksen JL, Stenager E, Pfleger C, Garde E, Kinnunen E, Marhardt K; Minocycline added to subcutaneous interferon β-1a in multiple sclerosis: randomized RECYCLINE study. RECYCLINE Study Investigators. Eur J Neurol. 2016 May;23(5):861-70

Ravnborg M, Sørensen PS, Andersson M, Celius EG, Jongen PJ, Elovaara I, Bartholomé E, Constantinescu CS, Beer K, Garde E, Sperling B. Methylprednisolone in combination with interferon beta-1a for relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (MECOMBIN study): a multicentre, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, parallel-group trial. Lancet Neurol. 2010 Jul;9(7):672-80

Devantier TA, Nørgaard BL, Poulsen MK, Garde E, Øvrehus KA, Marwan M, Achenbach S, Dey D, Sørensen LH, Videbech P. White Matter Lesions, Carotid and Coronary Atherosclerosis in Late-Onset Depression and Healthy Controls. Psychosomatics. 2016 Jul-Aug;57(4):369-77

Reinhard H, Garde E, Skimminge A, Åkeson P, Ramsøy TZ, Winther K, Parving HH, Rossing P, Jacobsen PK. Plasma NT-proBNP and white matter hyperintensities in type 2 diabetic patients. Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2012 Oct 3;11:119


Karam Sidaros

Tel.: +45 3862 3330

Group Members

Karam Sidaros

Group Manager

Henrik Lundell

Vanessa Wiggermann

Sascha Gude

Sussi Larsen

Show all group members (7)