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The Control of Actions - ContAct

Funded by a large “Grant of Excellence” awarded by the Lundbeck Foundation to Hartwig R. Siebner (25 Mill DKK 2010-2016), the ContAct Group offers an attractive platform for talented young neuroscientists to identify and understand the brain dynamics behind the motor control of voluntary actions. 

  • Funded by: Lundbeck
  • Grant Size: 25.000.000 Kr.

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In daily life, we need to flexibly adjust our actions to the challenges imposed by our environment, our internal state and last but not least the social context a situation is embedded in. Hence, our brain needs to flexibly integrate relevant contextual information when it is required during voluntary actions. Here motor control and decision making play a key role to guide and shape our behavior. Using multimodal brain mapping, non-invasive brain stimulation and computational modelling, the ContAct Group and its international collaborators aimed to reveal the underlying neural mechanisms and motor-networks mediating these flexible actions. The ContAct Group continues as an active research group beyond the funding period. Research projects and ideas are discussed at weekly meetings. Furthermore, the ContAct journal club provides a biweekly discussion forum about articles related to action control.

Major Results

During the 6 years of funding, the ContAct group has produced more than 60 publications. The funding has provided indispensable support to a number of research careers, leading to the establishment of research groups and permanent positions, such as the associate professorships at DTU awarded to Axel Thielscher, Tim Dyrby and Kristoffer Madsen. It also made it possible to recruit highly profiled international researchers like Associate Professor Axel Thielscher (Germany) and PostDocs such as Oliver Hulme (UK), Anke Karabanov (Sweden), Leo Tomasevic (Italy) or Estelle Raffin (France). Many of them have now established their own line of research at DRCMR. It also allowed the establishment of a cutting-edge laboratory for motor control and brain stimulation studies (the “ContAct” lab). 

Scientific Focus

The ability to flexibly integrate contextual dimensions is often severely affected in patients with neurological and psychiatric diseases such as Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia or stroke. Therefore, ContAct is focusing a part of its research on the clinical aspects of motor control and how certain disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or eating disorders, can alter voluntary actions. Identifying the altered brain dynamics leading up to these disorders will allow us to move towards completing the puzzle of how the brain flexibly adjusts our actions seemingly without effort.

The research program was divided into three methodologically and three neurobiologically oriented work packages. The methodological line of research integrates advanced structural and functional brain mapping, focal brain stimulation and advanced modeling of neural systems. The neurobiologically oriented packages employ the methods formerly developed in WP 1-3 in order to answer neuroscientific and clinical questions.


Providing a science platform such as ContAct also requires exchange of knowledge and collaborating with national and international partners. These efforts successfully led to 3 international workshops on transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) organized by ContAct in order to introduce neuroscientists to non-invasive brain stimulation techniques in our state-of-the-art ContAct laboratories. Furthermore, world-leading neuroscientists such as Alexander Münchau, Tobias Bäumer, Steve Flemming and John Krakauer, just to name a few, presented their research at our regular ContAct presentation series. Up to date, the ContAct group has shown its productivity with more than 60 publications and counting.

The end of the funding period was marked with a “Farewell Symposium” at the Elsass Centre (Ordrup) where researchers from the ContAct group presented the results from their projects while highly profiled international collaborators gave keynote lectures, putting the research into context.

ContAct Laboratories

Our state-of-the-art ContAct Laboratories provide a cutting-edge infrastructure to perform TMS experiments (guided by neuronavigation) and EEG studies. A key-hole surgery simulator allows the detailed investigation of complex motor skill acquisition.

contactlab1  contactlab2 
A TMS experiment with neuronavigation.  An EEG experiment on decision-making in a virtual reality environment.


contactlab3  contactlab4 

Our key-hole surgery simulator.


 A combined TMS-EEG experiment.


Associated Publications


Bentz, M., Jepsen, J. R. M., Pedersen, T., Bulik, C. M., Pedersen, L., Pagsberg, A. K. & Plessen, K. J. Impairment of Social Function in Young Females With Recent-Onset Anorexia Nervosa and Recovered Individuals.
Journal of Adolescent Health. 60, 1, p. 23-32, 2017.

Bentz, M., Jepsen, J. R. M., Kjaersdam Telléus, G., Moslet, U., Pedersen, T., Bulik, C. M. & Plessen, K. J. Neurocognitive functions and social functioning in young females with recent-onset anorexia nervosa and recovered individuals. International Journal of Eating Disorders. 5, p. 1-10, 2017.

Bentz, M., Guldberg, J., Vangkilde, S., Pedersen, T., Plessen, K. J. & Jepsen, J. R. M. Heightened Olfactory Sensitivity in Young Females with Recent-Onset Anorexia Nervosa and Recovered Individuals. P L o S One. 12, 1, p. 1-17, e0169183 2017.

Kwon, S., Watanabe, M., Fischer, E. & Bartels, A. Attention reorganizes connectivity across networks in a frequency specific manner. NeuroImage. 144, p. 217-226, 2017.

Reichenbach, A., Bresciani, J-P., Bülthoff, H. H. & Thielscher, A.
 Reaching with the sixth sense: Vestibular contributions to voluntary motor control in the human right parietal cortex. NeuroImage. 124, p. 869-875, 2016.

Angstmann, S., Madsen, K. S., Skimminge, A., Jernigan, T. L., Baaré, W. F. C. & Siebner, H. R. Microstructural asymmetry of the corticospinal tracts predicts right-left differences in circle drawing skill in right-handed adolescents. Brain structure & function.

Bergmann, T. O., Karabanov, A., Hartwigsen, G., Thielscher, A. & Siebner, H. R. Combining non-invasive transcranial brain stimulation with neuroimaging and electrophysiology: Current approaches and future perspectives. NeuroImage.

Gelskov, S. V., Madsen, K. H., Ramsøy, T. Z. & Siebner, H. R. Aberrant neural signatures of decision-making: Pathological gamblers display cortico-striatal hypersensitivity to extreme gambles. NeuroImage.

Hartwigsen, G. & Siebner, H. R. Joint Contribution of Left Dorsal Premotor Cortex and Supramarginal Gyrus to Rapid Action Reprogramming. Brain Stimulation. p. 1-8.

Hartwigsen, G., Weigel, A., Schuschan, P., Siebner, H. R., Weise, D., Classen, J. & Saur, D. Dissociating Parieto-Frontal Networks for Phonological and Semantic Word Decisions: A Condition-and-Perturb TMS Study. Cerebral cortex.

Herz, D., Haagensen, B. N., Nielsen, S. H., Madsen, K. H., Løkkegaard, A. & Siebner, H. R. Resting-state connectivity predicts levodopa-induced dyskinesias in Parkinson’s disease. Movement Disorders.

Hjortkjær, J. Sound objects – Auditory objects – Musical objects. Danish Musicology Online. p. 47-56.

Meder, D., Haagensen, B. N., Hulme, O., Morville, T., Gelskov, S., Herz, D. M., Diomsina, B., Madsen, K. H., Siebner, H. Tuning the Brake while Raising the Stake: Network Dynamics during Sequential Decision-Making. Journal of Neuroscience, 136.

Meder, D., Madsen, K. H., Hulme, O., Siebner, H. R. Chasing probabilities — Signaling negative and positive prediction errors across domains. Neuroimage, 134, 180-191.

Chao, C-C., Karabanov, A. N., Paine, R., Carolina de Campos, A., Kukke, S. N., Wu, T., Wang, H. & Hallett, M.
 Induction of Motor Associative Plasticity in the Posterior Parietal Cortex-Primary Motor Network. Cerebral cortex. 25, 2, p. 365-373, 2015.

Cogliati Dezza, I., Zito, G., Tomasevic, L., Filippi, M. M., Ghazaryan, A., Porcaro, C., Squitti, R., Ventriglia, M., Lupoi, D. & Tecchio, F. Functional and structural balances of homologous sensorimotor regions in multiple sclerosis fatigue. Journal of Neurology. 262, 3, p. 614-622, 2015.

Gelskov, S. V., Henningsson, S., Madsen, K. H., Siebner, H. R. & Ramsøy, T. Z. Amygdala signals subjective appetitiveness and aversiveness of mixed gambles. Cortex. 66, p. 81-90, 2015.

Hartwigsen, G., Bergmann, T. O., Herz, D. M., Angstmann, S., Karabanov, A., Raffin, E., Thielscher, A. & Siebner, H. R. Modeling the effects of noninvasive transcranial brain stimulation at the biophysical, network, and cognitive Level. Progress in Brain Research. 222, p. 261-287, 2015.

Herz, D. M., Haagensen, B. N., Christensen, M. S., Madsen, K. H., Rowe, J. B., Løkkegaard, A. & Siebner, H. R. Abnormal dopaminergic modulation of striato-cortical networks underlies levodopa-induced dyskinesias in humans. Brain. 138, Pt 6, p. 1658-66, 2015.

Karabanov, A. N., Paine, R., Chao, C. C., Schulze, K., Scott, B., Hallett, M. & Mishkin, M. Participation of the classical speech areas in auditory long-term memory. P L o S One. 10, 3, s. e0119472 15 p., 2015.

Karabanov, A. N., Raffin, E. & Siebner, H. R. The Resting Motor Threshold - Restless or Resting?: A Repeated Threshold Hunting Technique to Track Dynamic Changes in Resting Motor Threshold. Brain Stimulation. 8, 6, p. 1191-1194, 2015.

Karabanov, A., Ziemann, U., Hamada, M., George, M. S., Quartarone, A., Classen, J., Massimini, M., Rothwell, J. & Siebner, H. R. Consensus Paper: Probing Homeostatic Plasticity of Human Cortex With Non-invasive Transcranial Brain Stimulation. Brain Stimulation. 8, 3, p. 442-454, 2015.

Lange, V. M., Perret, C. & Laganaro, M. Comparison of single-word and adjective-noun phrase production using event-related brain potentials. Cortex. 67, p. 15-29, 2015.

Leitão, J., Thielscher, A., Tünnerhoff, J. & Noppeney, U. Concurrent TMS-fMRI Reveals Interactions between Dorsal and Ventral Attentional Systems. The Journal of neuroscience. 35, 32, p. 11445-57, 2015.

Madsen, K. H., Ewald, L., Siebner, H. R. & Thielscher, A. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: An Automated Procedure to Obtain Coil-specific Models for Field Calculations. Brain Stimulation. 8, 6, p. 1205-1208, 2015.

Raffin, E., Pellegrino, G., Di Lazzaro, V., Thielscher, A. & Siebner, H. R. Bringing transcranial mapping into shape: Sulcus-aligned mapping captures motor somatotopy in human primary motor hand area. NeuroImage. 120, p. 164-175, 2015.

Rossini, P. M., Burke, D., Chen, R., Cohen, L. G., Daskalakis, Z., Di Iorio, R., Di Lazzaro, V., Ferreri, F., Fitzgerald, P. B., George, M. S., Hallett, M., Lefaucheur, J. P., Langguth, B., Matsumoto, H., Miniussi, C., Nitsche, M. A., Pascual-Leone, A., Paulus, W., Rossi, S., Rothwell, J. C., Siebner, H. R., Ugawa, Y., Walsh, V. & Ziemann, U. Non-invasive electrical and magnetic stimulation of the brain, spinal cord, roots and peripheral nerves: Basic principles and procedures for routine clinical and research application. An updated report from an I.F.C.N. Committee. Clinical neurophysiology. 126, 6, p. 1071-107, 2015.

Saturnino, G. B., Antunes, A. & Thielscher, A. On the importance of electrode parameters for shaping electric field patterns generated by tDCS. NeuroImage. 120, p. 25-35, 2015.

Schmock, H., Vangkilde, A., Larsen, K. M., Fischer, E., Birknow, M. R., Jepsen, J. R. M., Olesen, C., Skovby, F., Plessen, K. J., Mørup, M., Hulme, O., Baaré, W. F. C., Didriksen, M., Siebner, H. R., Werge, T. & Olsen, L. The Danish 22q11 research initiative. B M C Psychiatry. 15 2015.

Thielscher, A., Antunes, A. & Saturnino, G. B. Field modeling for transcranial magnetic stimulation: A useful tool to understand the physiological effects of TMS? Conference proceedings : .. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference. 2015, p. 222-5, 2015.

Weier, K., Banwell, B., Cerasa, A., Collins, D. L., Dogonowski, A-M., Lassmann, H., Quattrone, A., Sahraian, M. A., Siebner, H. R. & Sprenger, T. The role of the cerebellum in multiple sclerosis. Cerebellum. 14, 3, p. 364-74, 2015.

Ziemann, U. & Siebner, H. R. Inter-subject and Inter-session Variability of Plasticity Induction by Non-invasive Brain Stimulation: Boon or Bane? Brain Stimulation. 8, 3, p. 662-3, 2015.

Zittel, S., Heinbokel, C., van der Vegt, J. P. M., Niessen, E., Buhmann, C., Gerloff, C., Siebner, H. R., Münchau, A. & Bäumer, T. Effects of dopaminergic treatment on functional cortico-cortical connectivity in Parkinson's disease. Experimental Brain Research. 233, 1, p. 329-37, 2015.

Delvendahl, I., Gattinger, N., Berger, T., Gleich, B., Siebner, H. R. & Mall, V. The role of pulse shape in motor cortex transcranial magnetic stimulation using full-sine stimuli. P L o S One. 9, 12, s. e115247 2014.

Delvendahl, I., Lindemann, H., Jung, N. H., Pechmann, A., Siebner, H. R. & Mall, V. Influence of waveform and current direction on short-interval intracortical facilitation: a paired-pulse TMS study. Brain Stimulation. 7, 1, p. 49-58, 2014

Herz, D. M., Christensen, M. S., Bruggemann, N., Hulme, O. J., Ridderinkhof, K. R., Madsen, K. H. & Siebner, H. R. Motivational tuning of fronto-subthalamic connectivity facilitates control of action impulses. The Journal of neuroscience. 34, 9, p. 3210-7, 2014.

Herz, D. M., Eickhoff, S. B., Løkkegaard, A. & Siebner, H. R. Functional neuroimaging of motor control in parkinson's disease: A meta-analysis. Human brain mapping. 35, 7, p. 3227-37, 2014.

Herz, D. M., Florin, E., Christensen, M. S., Reck, C., Barbe, M. T., Tscheuschler, M. K., Tittgemeyer, M., Siebner, H. R. & Timmermann, L. Dopamine Replacement Modulates Oscillatory Coupling Between Premotor and Motor Cortical Areas in Parkinson's Disease. Cerebral cortex. 24, 11, p. 2873-83, 2014.

Herz, D. M., Haagensen, B. N., Christensen, M. S., Madsen, K. H., Rowe, J. B., Løkkegaard, A. & Siebner, H. R. The acute brain response to levodopa heralds dyskinesias in Parkinson disease. Annals of Neurology. 75, 6, p. 829-36, 2014.

Herz, D. M., Siebner, H. R., Hulme, O. J., Florin, E., Christensen, M. S. & Timmermann, L. Levodopa reinstates connectivity from prefrontal to premotor cortex during externally paced movement in Parkinson's disease. NeuroImage. 90, p. 15, 2014

Hjortkjær, J. & Walther-Hansen, M. Perceptual Effects of Dynamic Range Compression in Popular Music Recordings. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society . 62, 1/2, p. 37-41, 2014.

Hjortkjær, J. & Walther-Hansen, M. Perceptual effects of dynamic range compression in popular music recordings. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society . 62, 1, p. 37-41, 2014.

Hulme, O. J., Skov, M., Chadwick, M. J., Siebner, H. R. & Ramsøy, T. Z. Sparse encoding of automatic visual association in hippocampal networks. NeuroImage. 102 Pt 2, p. 458-64, 2014.

Kassuba, T., Klinge, C., Hölig, C., Röder, B. & Siebner, H. R. Short-term plasticity of visuo-haptic object recognition. Frontiers in Psychology. 5, p. 1-16, 274 2014.

Laursen, H. R., Siebner, H. R., Haren, T., Madsen, K., Grønlund, R., Hulme, O. & Henningsson, S. Variation in the oxytocin receptor gene is associated with behavioral and neural correlates of empathic accuracy. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 8, p. 423, 2014.

Raffin, E. & Siebner, H. R. Transcranial brain stimulation to promote functional recovery after stroke. Current Opinion in Neurology. 27, 1, p. 54-60, 2014.

Reichenbach, A., Thielscher, A., Peer, A., Bülthoff, H. H. & Bresciani, J-P. A key region in the human parietal cortex for processing proprioceptive hand feedback during reaching movements. NeuroImage. 84, p. 615-25, 2014.

Ricci, R., Salatino, A., Siebner, H. R., Mazzeo, G. & Nobili, M. Normalizing biased spatial attention with parietal rTMS in a patient with focal hand dystonia. Brain Stimulation. 7, 6, p. 912-4, 2014.

Rosso, C., Valabregue, R., Arbizu, C., Ferrieux, S., Vargas, P., Humbert, F., Attal, Y., Messé, A., Zavanone, C., Meunier, S., Cohen, L., Delmaire, C., Thielscher, A., Herz, D., Siebner, H. R., Samson, Y. & Lehéricy, S. Connectivity between Right Inferior Frontal Gyrus and Supplementary Motor Area Predicts After-Effects of Right Frontal Cathodal tDCS on Picture Naming Speed. Brain Stimulation. 7, 1, p. 122-129, 2014.

Siebner, H. R. & Ziemann, U. What is the threshold for developing and applying optimized procedures to determine the corticomotor threshold? Clinical Neurophysiology. 125, 1, p. 1-2, 2014.

Thomalla, G., Jonas, M., Bäumer, T., Siebner, H. R., Biermann-Ruben, K., Ganos, C., Orth, M., Hummel, F. C., Gerloff, C., Müller-Vahl, K., Schnitzler, A. & Münchau, A. Costs of control: decreased motor cortex engagement during a Go/NoGo task in Tourette's syndrome. Brain. 137, Pt 1, p. 122-36, 2014.

Baumgaertner, A., Hartwigsen, G. & Roman Siebner, H.
 Right-hemispheric processing of non-linguistic word features: Implications for mapping language recovery after stroke. Human Brain Mapping. 34, 6, p. 1293-1305, 2013.

Dogonowski, A-M., Andersen, K. W., Madsen, K. H., Sørensen, P. S., Paulson, O. B., Blinkenberg, M. & Siebner, H. R. Multiple sclerosis impairs regional functional connectivity in the cerebellum. NeuroImage. Clinical. 4, p. 130-8, 2013.

Dogonowski, A-M., Siebner, H. R., Sørensen, P. S., Paulson, O. B., Dyrby, T. B., Blinkenberg, M. & Madsen, K. H. Resting-state connectivity of pre-motor cortex reflects disability in multiple sclerosis. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica. 128, 5, p. 328,–335 2013.

Dogonowski, A-M., Siebner, H. R., Sørensen, P. S., Wu, X., Biswal, B., Paulson, O. B., Dyrby, T. B., Skimminge, A., Blinkenberg, M. & Madsen, K. H. Expanded functional coupling of subcortical nuclei with the motor resting-state network in multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis. 19, 5, p. 559-566, 2013.

Groppa, S., Muthuraman, M., Otto, B., Deuschl, G., Siebner, H. R. & Raethjen, J. Subcortical substrates of TMS induced modulation of the cortico-cortical connectivity. Brain Stimulation. 6, 2, p. 138-146, 2013.

Hartwigsen, G. & Siebner, H. R. Novel methods to study aphasia recovery after stroke. Frontiers of Neurology and Neuroscience. 32, p. 101-111, 2013.

Hartwigsen, G., Saur, D., Price, C. J., Baumgaertner, A., Ulmer, S. & Siebner, H. R. Increased facilitatory connectivity from the pre-SMA to the left dorsal premotor cortex during pseudoword repetition. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (Online). 25, 4, p. 580-94, 2013.

Hartwigsen, G., Saur, D., Price, C. J., Ulmer, S., Baumgaertner, A. & Siebner, H. R. Perturbation of the left inferior frontal gyrus triggers adaptive plasticity in the right homologous area during speech production. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110, 41, p. 16402-7, 2013.

Havsteen, I., Madsen, K. H., Christensen, H. K., Christensen, A. F. & Siebner, H. R. Diagnostic approach to functional recovery: functional magnetic resonance imaging after stroke. Frontiers of Neurology and Neuroscience. 32, p. 9-25, 2013.

Karabanov, A. N., Chao, C-C., Paine, R. & Hallett, M. Mapping different intra-hemispheric parietal-motor networks using twin Coil TMS. Brain Stimulation. 6, 3, p. 384-9, 2013.

Kassuba, T., Klinge, C., Hölig, C., Röder, B. & Siebner, H. R. Vision holds a greater share in visuo-haptic object recognition than touch. NeuroImage. 65, p. 59-68, 2013.

Kassuba, T., Menz, M. M., Röder, B. & Siebner, H. R. Multisensory Interactions between Auditory and Haptic Object Recognition. Cerebral Cortex. 23, 5, p. 1097-107, 2013.

Kimberley, T. J., Borich, M. R., Arora, S. & Siebner, H. R. Multiple sessions of low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in focal hand dystonia: clinical and physiological effects. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience. 31, 5, p. 533-542, 2013.

Leitão, J., Thielscher, A., Werner, S., Pohmann, R. & Noppeney, U. Effects of parietal TMS on visual and auditory processing at the primary cortical level -- a concurrent TMS-fMRI study. Cerebral Cortex. 23, 4, p. 873-84, 2013.

Mastroeni, C., Bergmann, T. O., Rizzo, V., Ritter, C., Klein, C., Pohlmann, I., Brueggemann, N., Quartarone, A. & Siebner, H. R. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor--a major player in stimulation-induced homeostatic metaplasticity of human motor cortex? P L o S One. 8, 2, s. e57957 2013.

Raffin, E. & Dyrby, T. B. Diagnostic approach to functional recovery: diffusion-weighted imaging and tractography. Frontiers of Neurology and Neuroscience. 32, p. 26-35, 2013.

Windhoff, M., Opitz, A. & Thielscher, A. Electric field calculations in brain stimulation based on finite elements: an optimized processing pipeline for the generation and usage of accurate individual head models. Human brain mapping. 34, 4, p. 923-35, 2013.

Wolpe, N., Haggard, P., Siebner, H. R. & Rowe, J. B. Cue integration and the perception of action in intentional binding. Experimental Brain Research. 229, 3, p. 467-74, 2013.

van der Vegt, J. P. M., Hulme, O. J., Zittel, S., Madsen, K. H., Weiss, M. M., Buhmann, C., Bloem, B. R., Münchau, A. & Siebner, H. R. Attenuated neural response to gamble outcomes in drug-naive patients with Parkinson's disease. Brain. 136, Pt 4, p. 1192-203, 2013.

Balslev, D., Siebner, H. R., Paulson, O. B. & Kassuba, T. 
The cortical eye proprioceptive signal modulates neural activity in higher-order visual cortex as predicted by the variation in visual sensitivity. NeuroImage. 61, 4, p. 950-6, 2012.

Bergmann, T. O., Mölle, M., Diedrichs, J., Born, J. & Siebner, H. R. Sleep spindle-related reactivation of category-specific cortical regions after learning face-scene associations. NeuroImage. 59, 3, p. 2733-42, 2012.

Bergmann, T. O., Mölle, M., Schmidt, M. A., Lindner, C., Marshall, L., Born, J. & Siebner, H. R. EEG-guided transcranial magnetic stimulation reveals rapid shifts in motor cortical excitability during the human sleep slow oscillation. Journal of Neuroscience. 32, 1, p. 243-53, 2012.

Gagnon, L., Schneider, F. C., Siebner, H. R., Paulson, O. B., Kupers, R. & Ptito, M. Activation of the hippocampal complex during tactile maze solving in congenitally blind subjects. Neuropsychologia. 50, 7, p. 1663-71, 2012.

Groppa, S., Oliviero, A., Eisen, A., Quartarone, A., Cohen, L. G., Mall, V., Kaelin-Lang, A., Mima, T., Rossi, S., Thickbroom, G. W., Rossini, P. M., Ziemann, U., Valls-Solé, J. & Siebner, H. R. A practical guide to diagnostic transcranial magnetic stimulation: report of an IFCN committee. Clinical Neurophysiology. 123, 5, p. 858-82, 2012.

Groppa, S., Schlaak, B. H., Münchau, A., Werner-Petroll, N., Dünnweber, J., Bäumer, T., van Nuenen, B. F. L. & Siebner, H. R. The human dorsal premotor cortex facilitates the excitability of ipsilateral primary motor cortex via a short latency cortico-cortical route. Human Brain Mapping. 33, 2, p. 419-30, 2012.

Hartwigsen, G., Bestmann, S., Ward, N. S., Woerbel, S., Mastroeni, C., Granert, O. & Siebner, H. R. Left Dorsal Premotor Cortex and Supramarginal Gyrus Complement Each Other during Rapid Action Reprogramming. Journal of Neuroscience. 32, 46, p. 16162-16171, 2012.

Hellriegel, H., Schulz, E. M., Siebner, H. R., Deuschl, G. & Raethjen, J. H. Continuous theta-burst stimulation of the primary motor cortex in essential tremor. Clinical Neurophysiology. 123, 5, p. 1010-5, 2012.

Herz, D. M., Christensen, M. S., Reck, C., Florin, E., Barbe, M. T., Stahlhut, C., Pauls, K. A. M., Tittgemeyer, M., Siebner, H. R. & Timmermann, L. Task-specific modulation of effective connectivity during two simple unimanual motor tasks: a 122-channel EEG study. NeuroImage. 59, 4, p. 3187-93, 2012.

Iftime-Nielsen, S. D., Christensen, M. S., Vingborg, R. J., Sinkjaer, T., Roepstorff, A. & Grey, M. J. Interaction of electrical stimulation and voluntary hand movement in SII and the cerebellum during simulated therapeutic functional electrical stimulation in healthy adults. Human Brain Mapping. 33, 1, p. 40-9, 2012.

Jung, N. H., Delvendahl, I., Pechmann, A., Gleich, B., Gattinger, N., Mall, V. & Siebner, H. R. Transcranial magnetic stimulation with a half-sine wave pulse elicits direction-specific effects in human motor cortex. B M C Neuroscience. 13, 1, p. 139, 2012.

Karabanov, A. & Siebner, H. R. Unravelling homeostatic interactions in inhibitory and excitatory networks in human motor cortex. Journal of Physiology. 590, Pt 22, p. 5557-8, 2012.

Karabanov, A., Jin, S-H., Joutsen, A., Poston, B., Aizen, J., Ellenstein, A. & Hallett, M. Timing-dependent modulation of the posterior parietal cortex-primary motor cortex pathway by sensorimotor training. Journal of Neurophysiology. 107, 11, p. 3190-9, 2012.

Kasten, M., Kertelge, L., Tadic, V., Brüggemann, N., Schmidt, A., van der Vegt, J., Siebner, H., Buhmann, C., Lencer, R., Kumar, K. R., Lohmann, K., Hagenah, J. & Klein, C. Depression and quality of life in monogenic compared to idiopathic, early-onset Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders. 27, 6, p. 754-9, 2012.

Moisa, M., Siebner, H. R., Pohmann, R. & Thielscher, A. Uncovering a context-specific connectional fingerprint of human dorsal premotor cortex. Journal of Neuroscience. 32, 21, p. 7244-52, 2012.

Pechmann, A., Delvendahl, I., Bergmann, T. O., Ritter, C., Hartwigsen, G., Gleich, B., Gattinger, N., Mall, V. & Siebner, H. R. The number of full-sine cycles per pulse influences the efficacy of multicycle transcranial magnetic stimulation. Brain Stimulation. 5, 2, p. 148-154, 2012.

Ptito, M., Matteau, I., Zhi Wang, A., Paulson, O. B., Siebner, H. R. & Kupers, R. Crossmodal recruitment of the ventral visual stream in congenital blindness. Neural Plasticity. 2012, 9 p., 2012.

Ramsøy, T., Friis-Olivarius, M. D. F., Jacobsen, C., B. Jensen, S. & Skov, M. Ø. Effects of perceptual uncertainty on arousal and preference across different visual domains. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology and Economics. 5, 4, p. 212-226, 2012.

Ramsøy, T., Liptrot, M. G., Skimminge, A., Lund, T. E., Sidaros, K., Christensen, M. S., Baaré, W., Paulson, O. B., Jernigan, T. L. & Siebner, H. R. Healthy aging attenuates task-related specialization in the human medial temporal lobe. Neurobiology of Aging. 33, 9, p. 1874-89, 2012.

Rowe, J. B. & Siebner, H. R. The motor system and its disorders. NeuroImage. 61, 2, p. 464-77, 2012.

Zittel, S., Kroeger, J., van der Vegt, J. P. M., Siebner, H. R., Brüggemann, N., Ramirez, A., Behrens, M. I., Gerloff, C., Bäumer, T., Klein, C. & Münchau, A. Motor pathway excitability in ATP13A2 mutation carriers: A transcranial magnetic stimulation study. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders. 18, 5, p. 590-94, 2012. 

van Nuenen, B. F. L., Kuhtz-Buschbeck, J., Schulz, C., Bloem, B. R. & Siebner, H. R. Weight-specific anticipatory coding of grip force in human dorsal premotor cortex. Journal of Neuroscience. 32, 15, p. 5272-83, 2012.

Balslev D;Albert N;Miall RC. 
Eye muscle proprioception represented bilaterally in the sensorimotor cortex. Hum Brain Mapp 2011, 32(4), 624-631.

Balslev D;Gowen E;Miall RC. Decreased Visual Attention Further from the Perceived Direction of Gaze for Equidistant Retinal Targets. J Cogn Neurosci 2011, 23(3), 661-669.

Granert O;Peller M;Gaser C;Groppa S;Hallett M;Knutzen A;Deuschl G;Zeuner KE;Siebner HR. Manual activity shapes structure and function in contralateral human motor hand area. Neuroimage 2011, 54(1), 32-41.

Granert O;Peller M;Jabusch HC;Altenmuller E;Siebner HR. Sensorimotor skills and focal dystonia are linked to putaminal grey-matter volume in pianists. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2011, 82(11), 1225-1231.

Kassuba T;Klinge C;Holig C;Menz MM;Ptito M;Roder B;Siebner HR. The left fusiform gyrus hosts trisensory representations of manipulable objects. Neuroimage 2011, 56(3), 1566-1577.

Rizzo V;Bove M;Naro A;Tacchino A;Mastroeni C;Avanzino L;Crupi D;Morgante F;Siebner HR;Quartarone A. Associative cortico-cortical plasticity may affect ipsilateral finger opposition movements. Behav Brain Res 2011, 216(1), 433-439.

DRCMR Members

Hartwig R. Siebner

David Meder

Lasse Christiansen

James Rowe