This scientific symposium addresses key challenges of a European Population Neuroscience Strategy. Such a strategy is grounded in the lack of multidimensional indicators containing information about the individuals’ social, physical and internal environments, their physical & mental health and cognitive reserve, as well as socio-political, economical and cultural dimensions of their lives, to predict physical (i.e. body) and mental & cognitive (i.e. brain) health and illness, resilience and potential across the life span. Identifying such indicators is pivotal in ensuring and promoting public and individual physical and mental health, wellbeing, and productivity by means of evidence based (preventive) public health, educational, social, environmental and infrastructural policies and programs, personalized medicine, care and education, and industrial and technical innovation.
The main goal is to model the often subtle but decisive interplay of multidimensional factors across the life span in cohorts representative ofgeneral populations (e.g. capturing genetic makeup,age and sex distributions, social-economic and health status, and culture).
The symposium will give attendees insight in:
- The need for and advantages of a strategy on European Population Neuroscience
- Population Neuroscience, which attempts to understand the intimate relationship between genes (Genome) and exposures (Envirome) shaping brain outcomes (Phenome).
- Strategies to ensure that cohorts are representative of populations as well as the need for an international approach in order to capture social and cultural factors.
- New mobile sensing technologies that allow for an ecological sampling of physical and environmental variables.
- Large-scale infrastructures for integrating, sharing and exploiting huge amounts of prospective multidimensional data in a secure manner.
- Analytical and modeling strategies and approaches to analyze and exploit multimodal, multidimensional and multisite prospective data.
Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance (DRCMR) in collaboration with CreoDK and the European Brain Council (EBC)
Organising committee: Prof. Hartwig Siebner (DRCMR), Prof. Tomas Paus (Rotman Research Institute and University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada) and Prof. Thomas Werge (Mental Health Centre Sct. Hans, Capital Region of Denmark, Denmark)
For registration please go to www.drcmr.dk/fens-registration and fill out the form