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30 May 2023: Talk by Sahil Bajaj

  • 30 May 2023 |
  • Sahil Bajaj |
  • MR Conference Room |
  • Time 10:15 |

On Tuesday 30 May 2023, Sahil Bajaj, Director of the Multimodal Clinical Neuroimaging Laboratory (MCNL) at Boys Town National Research Hospital will give a talk entitled Atypical Structural Brain Developmental Pathways in Youth with ADHD: A Predictive Modeling Approach  in the MR-conference room at 10.15. 

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is marked by symptoms of inattention or symptoms of hyperactivity-impulsivity or both and interferes with both brain functioning and brain development in early ages. Previous work primarily investigated isolated pre-hypothesized brain regions or behavioral data to differentiate healthy controls from ADHD patients and concluded that delayed brain maturation is specific to ADHD. In my current work, I used whole-brain structural brain morphometry analysis in conjunction with cutting-edge predictive modeling approach to identify differential development structural pathways (rather than structural brain maturation) in ADHD youth relative to typically developing youth.

30052023 Brain Resonance Seminar Sahil Bajaj