On Friday 4 May 2018, Professor Andrew Webb will give a talk entitled "Very low field MRI for developing countries: work-in-progress and collaborations sought".
Andrew Webb is Professor of MRI Physics at the Leiden University Medical Center, and Cirector of the C. J. Gorter Center for High-Field MRI. The overall mission of the Center is to develop new MRI techniques for high field clinical applications, both in humans and in animal mocels. However, his research group also works on developing small and cheap scanners to give e.g. the population of developing countries access to modern healthcare techniques.
The talk will be held on Friday 4 May 2018 at 11 o'clock at DTU Electrical Engineering, Center for Magnetic Resonance, Oersteds Plads 349, room 129 (1st floor), 2800 Kongens Lyngby.