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Friday, 10 July 2020 11:47

"Alterations in Task-Related Brain Activation in Children, Adolescents and Young Adults at Familial High-Risk for Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder"

Article published in Frontiers in Psychiatry - Child and Adolescent Psychiatry


Schizophrenia (SZ) and bipolar disorder (BD) are severe and highly heritable (1) mental illnesses with a substantial impact on the individuals concerned, their families, and the society. By early adulthood, the offspring of parents with severe mental illnesses, including SZ, BD, and major depressive disorder, have a one-in-three risk of developing a psychotic or major mood disorder and a one-in-two risk of developing any mental disorder. Heritability shows partial phenotypical specificity with largest risk ratios for SZ among offspring of parents with SZ and largest risk ratios for BD among offspring of parents with BD. Additionally, offspring of parents with SZ have a significantly increased risk of BD and offspring of parents with BD have a significantly increased risk of SZ. According to data extracted from Danish registries, child and adolescent offspring of parents with severe mental illness express increased incidence rates for all diagnoses of child and adolescent mental disorders compared to reference offspring of parents without severe mental illness [...]",

A systematic review article written by Line Korsgaard Johnsen et al. is now available. Click HERE to read it.

Well done!