The DRCMR at Hvidovre Hospital was very pleased and grateful to receive an additional MR scanner from the Simon Spies Foundation
The scanner was inaugurated in 2002. The donation greatly increased the research and clinical facilities in the MR unit at Hvidovre Hospital enabling the centre to continue to perform science and diagnostic at the leading edge.
The scanner has a magnetic field which is twice the strength of conventional high field scanners. It has a field of 3 Tesla corresponding to approximately 75000 times the average magnetic field at the surface of the earth. Despite this extremely strong field, there are no known side-effects on the body, and the field is approved for human use in both USA and Europe.
High field is especially suited for very detailed imaging, rapid measurements and studies of brain function and of metabolism. The superb spatial resolution is illustrated by this brain scan of a newborn showing a small germinal matrix hemorrhage at the right periventricular area (left in image according to radiological convention).