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Tuesday, 04 August 2009 12:59

Sexual orientation is reflected in functional MRI

Professor Hartwig R. Siebner from the DRCMR has together with researcher from Christian-Albrechts-Universität in Kiel, Germany, explored how sexual preference is revealed in functional MRI using erotic visual stimuli. The group found fMRI to be at least as sensitive as phallometry, which is used as evidence in trials, but which is criticized. Also, the brain response of homosexuals was found to be similar to that of heterosexuals, confirming that the brains of homosexuals are normal, only tuned to different stimuli.

 The paper was published in Journal of Sexual Medicine: Assessment of sexual orientation using the hemodynamic brain response to visual sexual stimuli'; doi: 10.1111/j.1743-6109.2009.01233.x

 An article in Danish summarizing the study was published by Thomas Hoffmann at Videnskab.dk: Hjerneskanninger afslører din sex-fantasi