We are happy to learn that the MRI educational material on the DRCMR web pages is gaining popularity internationally:
- Introductory MR lecture notes aimed at a broad audience has recently been positively referenced in two Italian blogs (blog1, blog2, thanks!)
- A critical article adressing the basic understanding of Magnetic Resonance is getting considerable positive attention. It has also appeared as the first reference on the German Wikipedia entry on MRI for a year now.
The subjects adressed in the article are topics of an invited tutorial at the MMCE Symposium in March 2011. This unsual meeting offers lectures that should be more didactic, even of philosophical nature, rather than being very technical. The aim of these lectures is to offer a kind of distilled wisdom that can potentially be far more attractive and beneficial to the audience than "regular" ones (quote from the Magnetic Moments in Central Europe website). - A related classical introduction to Magnetic Resonance and relaxation is one of the most read articles on the DRCMR web site . The educational Java applet appearing in the introduction will soon be made available for download and off-line use. Stay tuned.
- The Bloch simulator for teaching MRI was awarded the ESMRMB InfoRESO award in October 2009.
Much of the material was developed in connection with introductory MRI courses offered annually at the DRCMR at no cost, and in connection with courses offered at the Medicine&Technology programme at the Technical University of Denmark (courses 31540, 31545 and 31547, most notably).