We are happy to introduce and welcome Axel Thielscher, who will start at the DRCMR April 1st, 2012.
Axel was trained as electrical engineer at the University of Ulm (south of Germany) where he also acquired a PhD in Human Biology (research topic: Biophysics of transcranial magnetic stimulation) and further a PhD in Electrical Engineering (research topic: Computational modeling of early visual processes).
Axel then moved on to Brown University (Providence, RI) to join the lab of Luiz Pessoa (http://emotioncognition.org) in order to deepen his knowledge on fMRI, in particular on advanced analysis methods such as ROC and logistic regression analysis of fMRI data.
After that time, he joined the MPI for Biological Cybernetics (Tübingen, Germany), initially as PostDoc, and later as Project Group leader for multimodal TMS. After establishing a TMS lab (including the online combinations of TMS with fMRI and EEG, respectively), he conducted research on visual perception and, via collaborations, on sensorimotor integration.
Axel now joins the DRCMR as Senior Researcher and the Biomedical Engineering Section at DTU Elektro as an Associate Professor, allowing him to pursue both his methodological and neuroscientific interests. Continuing his research on sensorimotor integration, he will closely collaborate with Hartwig Siebner's ContAct group. He is looking forward to the possibility to further advance his methodological work on multimodal brain stimulation and electric field calculations at DTU Elektro.
Contact information:
Dr. Axel Thielscher
Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance
Dept. 340, Hvidovre Hospital
DK-2650 Hvidovre
Biomedical Engineering Group
DTU Elektro, bldg 349
Ørsteds Plads
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby