An attractive position as Assistant or Associate Professor in Biomedical Engineering (BME) is open in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Copenhagen, Denmark. The application deadline is January 15th, 2013. Depending on the experience of the appointed person(s), the position may involve elements of MRI to a smaller or larger extent. A strong background in one of mentioned areas is required.
MRI development is relatively new and thriving at the department of Electrical Engineering. There is a strong collaboration between the DRCMR and the BME group at DTU, mostly mediated by Jan Henrik Ardenkjær-Larsen, Axel Thielscher and Lars G. Hanson who are all senior researchers associated with both institutions to various extent. Students and junior faculty substantiate the collaborations which will be strengthened along with other collaborations in the coming years. DTU and DRCMR collaborations involve many other people, both at the DRCMR and in other DTU departments, most notably DTU Informatics.
DTU researchers will have access to modern and well-equipped Philips 3T and 7T scanners at the DRCMR via the national Danish 7T inititiative. Good access to patients and other scanners, methods and equipment can be made available there and elsewhere via collaborations (e.g. RF lab, 4.7T preclinical MRI and MR-compatible EEG, TMS, sensory stimulation, ECG, ergometry,...).