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Monday, 06 July 2015 00:00

ESMRMB course on MRI Simulation attracted 43 participants to Copenhagen

Together with an international faculty, Lars G. Hanson from the DRCMR and DTU Biomedical Engineering co-organized the ESMRMB course "MRI simulation for sequence development, protocol optimization, and education"  in June 2015 at the DTU (main organizers: Tony Stöcker and Lars G. Hanson). The course addressed uses of MRI simulators such as the advanced JEMRIS simulator, and the locally developed Bloch Simulator targeted at MRI education. The course covered theory, application and practical implementation of MRI computer simulations, i.e. the simulation of spin dynamics and their coherent summation in spin systems under influence of driving magnetic fields (RF pulses and field gradients). MR simulations based on the Bloch equations are of high educational value, and further serve as essential tools in basic MRI method development, sequence design and protocol optimization.

A repeat is expected since the course got good reviews, and had many attendants. Let us know, if you have a suggestion for a venue with local enthusiasm and suited facilites. More information will be available on the ESMRMB Lectures on MR web site.


Lectures on MR, Simulation, Copenhagen, Group photo