We are very grateful for the generous support provided for equipment and research projects from a wide range of contributors. The support is crucial for maintaining a high level of quality and research activity. In return, we do the best we can to help patients and advance research. All collaborative grants above 100.000 DKK are mentioned on this page. Please see the DRCMR annual reports for complete lists of contributors.
We are very grateful for the generous support provided for equipment and research projects from a wide range of contributors. The support is crucial for maintaining a high level of quality and research activity. In return, we do the best we can to help patients and advance research. All grants above 100.000 DKK are mentioned below. Please see the DRCMR annual reports for complete lists of contributors.
Her vil du finde opslag, såfremt der søges forsøgspersoner til et projekt.
A national longitudinal study of 522 children born to parents with or without a diagnosis of either schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.
The MAX4 Imagers is a collaboration between researchers from the Capital Region hospitals and the newly opened synchrotron, MAX IV in Lund, Sweden, and is supported by a grant from the Capital Region Research Foundation for Healthcare
The OmniSaM (the Omnibus Satiety Metric) is a multimodal metric for predicting the satieting effects of real foods and drinks.
On November 24th and 25th, the ContAct group held a " Farewell Symposium" at the Elsass Institute in Ordrup. The symposium marked the end of a six-year period of research in the field of human motor control funded by an “Excellence Grant” from Lundbeck Foundation (2011-2016).