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List of events

Talk by assoc. prof. Shannon Kolind from the University of British Columbia

  • 23rd September 2024 |
  • The highs and lows of increasing accessibility to myelin water imaging |
  • MR Conference Room, Hvidovre Hospital |
  • Time 9:15 |

Talk by Dr. Natalie Schaworonkow from the Ernst Strüngmann Institute

  • 9th September 2024 |
  • 100 Years of Neural Oscillations: Methodological Considerations for Improving Research Validity |
  • MR Conference Room, Hvidovre Hospital |
  • Time 9:15 |

Talk by associate Prof. Johanna Vannesjo from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim

  • 13 May 2024 |
  • Spinal cord MRI at ultra-high field: Promises, pitfalls and paths ahead |
  • MR Conference Room, Hvidovre Hospital |
  • Time 9:15 |

PHD defence by Sidsel Borup Winther

  • 10 April 2024 |
  • Sidsel Borup Winther |
  • Building 101, room S12, The Technical University of Denmark, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby |
  • Time 13:00 |

Talk by Associate Prof. Laura Wisse from University of Lund

  • 8 April 2024 |
  • In vivo and ex vivo imaging of the medial temporal lobe in aging and dementia |
  • MR Conference Room, Hvidovre Hospital |
  • Time 9:15 |

Talk by Prof. Per Petersson from Umeå university

  • 26 March 2024 |
  • On cortico-basal ganglia network oscillations in PD/LID - what we have learned from animal models |
  • MR Conference Room Hvidovre Hospital |
  • Time 9:15 |

Talk by Associate Professor Vibe Frøkjær

  • 27 November 2023 |
  • Hormonal contributions to depressive episodes in women |
  • MR Conference Room, Hvidovre Hospital |
  • Time 09:15 |

COBS symposium on Dec 1

  • 1 December |
  • Copenhagen Brain Stimulation (CoBS) Symposium |
  • Hvidovre Hospital |
  • Time 09:30 |

Talk by Prof. Gunhild Waldemar

  • 27 October 2023 |
  • Data-driven care for patients with neurodegenerative disorders |
  • MR Conference Room |
  • Time 9:15 am |

Talk by Prof. Heidi Johansen-Berg

  • 23 October 2023 |
  • Imaging and Stimulating Adaptive Brain Plasticity |
  • MR Conference Room, Hvidovre Hospital |
  • Time 9:15 AM |

Inaugural Lecture by Tim B. Dyrby

  • 13. oktober 2023 |
  • Inaugural lecture by Tim B. Dyrby |
  • Building 101, Room M1, Anker Engelundsvej, 2800 Lyngby |
  • Time 15:00-16:00 |

Talks by Professors Angel Peterchev and Warren Grill

  • 21 August 2023 |
  • Professors Angel Peterchev and Waren Grill |
  • MR Conference Room |
  • Time 13:00 |

Talk by Senior Lecturer Joao Duarte

  • 11 September 2023 |
  • Joao Duarte |
  • MR Conference Room |
  • Time 9:15 |

PhD defence by Marie Louise Liu

  • 29 September 2023 |
  • Marie Louise Liu |
  • Auditorium 3-4, Hvidovre Hospital, Kettegård Allé 30, 2650 Hvidovre |
  • Time 13:30 |

Talk by Assoc. Prof. Mark Schram Christensen

  • 25 September 2023 |
  • Mark Schram Christensen |
  • MR Conference Room |
  • Time 9:15 |

Talk by Professor Micah Allen

  • 12 June 2023 |
  • Micah Allen |
  • MR Conference Room |
  • Time 9:15 |

Talk by Sahil Bajaj

  • 30 May 2023 |
  • Sahil Bajaj |
  • MR Conference Room |
  • Time 10:15 |

Talk by Professor Jakob Bardram

  • 22 May 2023 |
  • Professor Jakob Bardram |
  • MR Conference Room |
  • Time 9:00 |

REFRESH talk by Professor Victoria Southgate

  • 8 May 2023 |
  • Professor Victoria Southgate |
  • MR Conference Room |
  • Time 9:00 |

Talk by Professor Andreas Vlachos

  • 24 April 2023 |
  • Professor Andreas Vlachos |
  • MR Conference Room |
  • Time 9:00 |

Talk by Dr. Todd Woodward

  • 25 April 2023 |
  • Dr. Todd Woodward |
  • Pav. 7 meeting room |
  • Time 2.30 pm |

REFRESH talk by Professor Terry Jernigan

  • 28 August 2023 |
  • Professor Terry Jernigan |
  • MR Conference Room |
  • Time 9:15 |

REFRESH talk by Professor Vibe Frøkjær

  • 27 March 2023 |
  • Professor Vibe Frøkjær |
  • MR Conference Room |
  • Time 9:15 |

Talk by Professor Jelena Radulovic

  • 27 February 2023 |
  • Professor Jelena Radulovic |
  • MR Conference Room |
  • Time 9:15 |

REFRESH talk by Professor Vibeke Koushede

  • 30 January 2023 |
  • Professor Vibeke Koushede |
  • MR Conference Room |
  • Time 9:15 |

Hybrid PhD Defence by Jesper Duemose Nielsen

  • 2 December 2022 |
  • Jesper Duemose Nielsen |
  • DTU, Building 322, Room 205 |
  • Time 13:30-16:30 |

Copenhagen Brain Stimulation Symposium 2022

  • 9 December 2022 |
  • CoBS Symposium |
  • Hvidovre Hospital, Aud. 3-4 |
  • Time 9:00-17.30 |

Talk by Lars Edvinsson

  • 9 November 2022 |
  • Lars Edvinsson |
  • Auditorium 5 |
  • Time 9:00-10:00 |

The inaugural lecture by Carl-Johan Boraxbekk

  • 11 November 2022 |
  • Carl-Johan Boraxbekk |
  • Henrik Dam Auditorium, Panum |
  • Time 14:00 |

2nd Danish National 7 Tesla MR Project Symposium

  • 13 September 2022 |
  • Danish National 7 Tesla MR Project |
  • Auditorium 3-4 |
  • Time 9:00-17:30 |

Copenhagen Brain Stimulation Week 2022 - FULLY BOOKED!!!

  • 5 - 9 December 2022 |
  • CoBS 2022 |
  • DRCMR |
  • Time ... |

PhD defence by Christian Stald Skoven

  • 24 August 2022 |
  • Christian Stald Skoven |
  • Hvidovre Hospital, Aud. 3-4, Kettegård Alle 30, 2650 Hvidovre |
  • Time 14:00-17:00 |

Talk by Dan Bang

  • 24 June 2022 |
  • Dan Bang |
  • MR Conference Room |
  • Time 9:15 |

PhD defence by Valdemar Uhre

  • 13 June 2022 |
  • Valdemar Uhre |
  • Panum, Foredragssal 7 |
  • Time 14:00 |

Hybrid PhD defence by Johanna Perens

  • 22 April 2022 |
  • Johanna Perens |
  • Gubra |
  • Time 13:00-16:00 |

PhD defence by Christopher Fugl Madelung

  • 8 April 2022 |
  • Christopher Fugl Madelung |
  • Hvidovre Hospital, Auditorium 3-4 |
  • Time 13:00-16:00 |

PhD defence by Mette Bjerg Lindhøj

  • 25 March 2022 |
  • Mette Bjerg Lindhøj |
  • Department of Computer Science, KU |
  • Time 13:00 |

PhD defence by Sofie Johanna Nilsson

  • Friday 28 January 2022 |
  • Sofie Johanna Nilsson |
  • Partly virtual |
  • Time 13:00-16:00 |

PhD Defence by Line Korsgaard Johnsen

  • 19 January 2022 |
  • Line Korsgaard Johnsen |
  • Hvidovre Hospital, Vandrehallen, Meeting room 3 |
  • Time 13.30-16.30 |

PhD Defence by Fróði Gregersen

  • 30 November 2021 |
  • Fróði Gregersen |
  • DTU Sundhedsteknologi, Building 101, room S01 |
  • Time 13.30-16.30 |

Inaugural lecture by Professor Axel Thielscher

  • 24 November |
  • Axel Thielscher |
  • DTU, Building 101, Meeting Room 1 |
  • Time 15:00 |

PhD Defence by Mikkel Malling Beck

  • Thursday 4 November 2021 |
  • Mikkel Malling Beck |
  • Festauditoriet, Bülowsvej 17, 1870 Frederiksberg |
  • Time 14:00 |

Copenhagen Brain Stimulation - Virtual Workshop 2021

  • 5 November 2021 |
  • CoBS Virtual Workshop 2021 |
  • DRCMR, Hvidovre Hospital |
  • Time 8:00-18:00 |

PhD Defence by Mads Alexander Just Madsen

  • 25 October 2021 |
  • Mads Alexander Just Madsen |
  • Hvidovre Hospital, Auditorium 5 |
  • Time 10:00-13:00 |

Talk by Julien Valette

  • 9 September 2021 |
  • Julian Valette |
  • MR Conference Room |
  • Time 10:00 |

3rd Nordic metabolomics seminar - Cancer Imaging

  • 15 September 2021 |
  • ISMRM and SMRT Nordic Chapter |
  • Webinar |
  • Time 13-15 |

Copenhagen Brain Stimulation Week 2021

  • 1-5 November 2021 |
  • CoBs |
  • DRCMR |
  • Time ... |

PhD Defence by Stefano Cerri

  • 29 July 2021 |
  • Stefano Cerri |
  • DTU - Zoom |
  • Time 15:00 |

PhD defence by Mariam Andersson

  • 3 June 2021 |
  • Mariam Andersson |
  • DTU - virtual defence |
  • Time 13:00 |

Talk by Professor Dost Öngür

  • 23 April 2021 |
  • Dost Öngür |
  • Virtual meeting TEAMS |
  • Time 9:15 |

PhD defence by Guilherme Bicalho Saturnino

  • 20 November 2020 |
  • Guilherme Bicalho Saturnino |
  • Virtual defence - Zoom |
  • Time 14:45-17:45 |

PhD defence by Anna Hester Ver Loren van Themaat

  • 9 October 2020 |
  • Anna Hester Ver Loren van Themaat |
  • Virtual defence |
  • Time 14:00-17:00 |

PhD defence by Janine Kesselheim

  • 19 August 2020 |
  • Janine Kesselheim |
  • Virtual defence |
  • Time 15:00-18:00 |

PhD defence by Sara Hesby Andreasen

  • 19 June 2020 |
  • Sara Hesby Andreasen |
  • Virtual Defence |
  • Time 14:30-17:30 |

PhD defence by Anna Lind Hansen

  • 15 June 2020 |
  • Anna Lind Hansen |
  • Virtual defence |
  • Time 14:00 |

PhD defence by Allan Lohse

  • 11 May 2020 |
  • Allan Lohse |
  • DRCMR |
  • Time 15:30-18:30 |

Talk by Gunther Helms

  • 3 February 2020 |
  • Gunther Helms |
  • Meeting room, Pav. 7 |
  • Time 2pm |
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